Winter Newsletter 2016


Here’s what’s been happening over the winter period (please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss anything mentioned in the newsletter further):-

Memory Clinic

Liz Campbell, Day Centres Manager and Mary Mann, Director, invited Dr. Fiona Paterson, Speciality Doctor in Psychiatry and Old Age to visit SADSA for an information-sharing meeting.


Groups from both centres took a trip to see a dementia-friendly musical at the Gaiety and had a most enjoyable outing.

Kingcase Harvest Festival

Auchenday attended the local school’s Harvest Festival on 6th October which was open to elderly in the community and they were treated to music, prose and chocolates to bring home!

Musical Voices

Nan McCrae sang solo for clients at Eglinton on 4th October and Alex and Friends provided musical entertainment on 1st November.  Both events were very much enjoyed.  As always we mustn’t forget to thank our very own Mr Deans who continues to entertain clients at both Eglinton and Auchenday playing his electronic keyboard.

Musical Memories

Liz Campbell and Mary Mann went along to Alloway Church on 13th October to find out more about this community singing session and the intention is to take small groups to this monthly event in the future.

Prestwick Picture House

A group from Auchenday have been attending this new Dementia Friendly Prestwick project at Prestwick Community Centre since it opened its doors on 23rd September and enjoying movies and choc ices in relaxed fashion!  High Society will be showing on 18th November and White Christmas on 16th December.  All are welcome.

 Participatory Budget Event

Liz Campbell together with Wilma Smith, Senior Support Worker and three carers namely Alistair Paterson, Jim Guthrie and Margaret McCulloch attended this event at Belmont Academy on 22nd October to bid for funding for SADSA.  We’re delighted to announce that the team were successful in being awarded £1000 which will contribute towards Dementia Gold training to be delivered to Seniors on 5th December.

Local Grant funding

Liz Campbell invited carers to apply to South Ayrshire Council Charitable Trust on an individual basis for funding to help support their loved ones care and we are delighted to say that awards have been granted.

Strictly Seniors Publication

SADSA featured in the November edition!

 Prestwick Cares for Carers Event

SADSA will have a stall at this event taking place on 25th November from 11.30am – 3.00pm at Prestwick Academy.  We have sent an invite on behalf of Cllr. Hugh Hunter to those carers who live in the catchment area and hope to see you there!

Elliots Event

Liz Campbell and several Board members will be attending this ladies charity evening at Elliots Prestwick sponsored by Buzzworks for Dementia Friendly Prestwick on Thursday 10th November.  The evening will include buffet, cocktail, fashion show and music.

 Regular Activities –

Barge trips continue, monthly Health & Wellbeing days are enjoyed by clients and our Hairdresser visits Eglinton on a Tuesday.  Of course the week wouldn’t be the same without fish and chips day!  We have had some birthday celebrations recently as well as Halloween parties and are now looking forward to Christmas – we can’t believe it’s that time again!

 New Faces and Fond Farewells –

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Ian McCulloch who has newly joined our Board of Directors.  Ian has a background in Human Resources and will be a valuable addition to our team.  Welcome Ian!  On a sadder note, we say goodbye to Anne Coffey and Betty Rodgers, two of our Bank Workers who are retiring.  Both ladies were presented with flowers and a gift voucher and Liz Campbell would like to thank both very much for all of their hard work and best wishes for the future.


SADSA is pleased to announce the purchase of a hoist which will further our reach to clients irrespective of mobility.  Staff will be trained in using the new equipment shortly


We are pleased to be able to offer private placements in addition to local authority placements.  Days can be purchased on a regular or ad-hoc basis directly from SADSA and can be an ideal way to fit around family circumstances.  Please speak to Liz Campbell for further information.


Liz Campbell continues to attend the Pilot Light Project which is geared towards early on-set dementia.  Dementia suit training has been given to all staff and some carers and if any carer wishes to have this training please contact Liz Campbell to arrange.  Moving and Handling training has been scheduled for all staff on Saturday 3rd December.


Donations since our last newsletter in July total approximately £2,000!  Support has come from a Kingcase Church Coffee Morning, Ayr: St Quivox Parish Church collection, Crooksmoss Bowling Club event and collection tins from Prestwick Post Office and Marco’s, Ayr. Thank you so much to everyone for their efforts and a special collective thank you to all of our carers who have so kindly donated.  Without this support we would not be able to offer the service that we do and we are sincerely grateful to all.  SADSA’s own fundraising efforts in the last quarter have included a bag-pack at Sainsburys with an information stall and a presence at Prestwick Prom.


We have a Participation Strategy to involve Stakeholders, Carers and Users in the recruitment and development of our staff and services.  To this end, we would like to invite anyone within these groups the opportunity to participate in this process, whether this is in interviewing or suggesting how to improve and develop the services we provide.  Please contact us if you would like to be involved.


If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer in day care please contact the Day Centres Manager in Prestwick or Ayr on 01292 283954


Information and support are always available and we welcome you to call in for advice during office hours on Ayr 283954 or Prestwick 474623


All donations are gratefully received and enable us to provide the service that we do

Anyone wishing to make a donation please send to:- 2 Eglinton Terrace, Ayr, KA7 1JJ

or 2 Benmore, Auchenday, KA9 2LS