Sainsbury bag pack

SADSA will be doing a bag-pack at Sainsbury, Prestwick on Sunday 2nd October from 1.30pm – 4.00pm.  We hope to raise some much-needed funds and our profile at the same time with an information stall on-site.  Help and advice available as always.  Happy shopping!

Calling all cinema-goers

Prestwick Picturehouse, a new project from Dementia Friendly Prestwick, launches today at Prestwick Community Centre and a group from Auchenday will be amongst the first to try it out!

Today’s showing is Calamity Jane which will be screened at 1pm and is free to all.  Popcorn anyone?

Engagement Forum 21st November 2016

In partnership with Voices of Experience (VOX), the Mental Welfare Commission are running an engagement event specifically for people who have experience of mental ill health, and for family, friends and carers.

The event takes place on 21 November in Glasgow and travel expenses will be paid for all who attend.  Click here for the booking form and more information.




World Alzheimer’s Day 21st September 2016

World Alzheimer’s Day is a campaign which aims to raise awareness and challenge the stigma around dementia at an international level.  SADSA is here on your doorstep to offer help and support.  Please call us anytime on 01292 283954 or 01292 288396.  You can also pop in to see us at either of our Day Care Centres  – 2 Eglinton Terrace, Ayr or 2 Benmore, Prestwick (just off Ardfin Road).