SADSA Sponsored Walk on 22nd June!

On Friday the 22nd of June, SADSA will be having a sponsored walk along the ‘Ayr Lang Mile’ to help raise funds. The walk will be from 12-2pm & will begin from our Eglinton Centre. Phone Liz or ask in either of our centres for a sponsor form. See you there!

Carers Engagement Day

In the lead up to new legislation called the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 becoming live, South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership wants to ensure carers and wider stakeholders have their say on support for unpaid carers in the South Ayrshire area.

We would like to invite carers and stakeholders to participate in a Carers Engagement Day to help shape our strategic plan and priorities, to support unpaid carers over the next three years.

The Carers Engagement Day will be held on Friday 16th March 2018, 10.30am – 3.00pm at County Hall, County Buildings.

Booking can be done via the booking form, phone or via email.

Full information can be found via the link –


Good News Story

Read on for a lovely story from a carer who has taken up the flexible care service we offer at both of our Centres:-

My elderly mum has dementia. The symptoms started several years ago. It was not too bad at first but inevitably the condition progressed. We reached a crisis point a few months ago when she started to wander out of the house and, as her sole carer, I was struggling to cope with her increased needs for care and supervision. I had to take some time off work to look after her, but I did not want to give up work permanently. I decided that it would be best for her to move into a care home. This was distressing for me because I knew within myself that it was not what she wanted. However, I did not think there was any realistic alternative so I started to make the necessary arrangements. I decided to try Day Care as a temporary measure while we were waiting for a care home place to become available. I contacted SADSA and we were invited to afternoon tea at Auchenday. We received a warm welcome and I arranged a flexible day care package to start the following week. I was pleased to find that mum settled in quite quickly. The atmosphere is very homely, and the staff have been welcoming and supportive to both of us. I have been impressed with the care and attention which my mum has received in the past few months since starting at Auchenday. She seems much happier and more settled than she was before, and I have found it much easier to look after her at home now that I have this support in place. I have now decided to continue with Day Care for the time being, rather than actively seeking a care home place at this stage. This will allow me to return to work on a part time basis, and I am confident that I am leaving her in good hands. I am so grateful to SADSA and the staff at Auchenday for making such a difference to us at a difficult time in our lives. SADSA provide an invaluable service which I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone in a similar situation in need of support.

(A grateful service user)

Glenburn Miners FC 2011’s

SADSA are proud to announce that they are new sponsors of Glenburn Miners FC 2011’s. Our Manager, Liz Campbell is pictured here with the team proudly showing off their new coaches jackets. Here’s to a successful 2018!

Glenburn Miners 2011’s receive coaches’ jackets from South Ayrshire Dementia Support Association (SADSA) Liz Campbell Day Centres Manager,centre, with the coaches and team. Photo courtesy of Ayrshire Post

M&S Fundraising Update

Just a quick update to say that we have almost reached the £6,000 mark for donations from our time spent fundraising in Marks And Spencer’s Ayr branch! A huge thank you to everyone who has so kindly donated. We are so grateful for your generosity and to the M&S team for regularly accomodating us.